Wordpress Development

Wordpress Development

Wordpress is THE most popular content management system. This is because it is so user friendly and is free to use. Although Wordpress was initially created as to build blogging websites, it is a very flexible content management system, and has adapted to be able to build websites for many different purposes. From complex media orientated websites to simple information based websites, Wordpress is extremely flexible. I have been building Wordpress websites for 10 years. It has evolved enormously since then. Many improvements have been added on including its ease of use.

I have experience in developing Wordpress websites for a wide range of purposes, from straight forward informational websites to much more complex sites with E-commerce. 

Wordpress Extensions (Plugins)

A huge community has grown up around Wordpress provding thousands of plugins that extend the core Wordpress functionality for any website requirement you may have. This could include E-commerece, calenders, membership and many many more. Many of the plugins are commercial so you need to pay for them. Many plugins also provide a free and a paid for version, where the paid for version provides additional functionality. Wordpress provides a huge amount of choice when it comes to its plugins. This is because many plugins provide similar functionality but have been created by different companies. It can be very difficult choosing what will be the most effective plugin for a particular requirement. I have plenty of experience in working with different plugins and can help choose which plugin will be the best fit for a particular situation. 

Wordpress Themes

As well as many different plugins, Wordpress has a huge range of available themes to choose from. This can make it possible to build an attractive and impactful website without having to know too much. The different range of themes can be daunting however, and the majority of themes need to be paid for. Again, I can help with selecting the best theme for each project. Selecting a ready made theme saves money on creating your own design.

I also specialise in creating bespoke designs for websites. This means choosing the colours, type of font, imagery, layout and more. This approach can make the website stand out from the usual template designs and emphasis the areas you want to stand out. 


One of the main advantages of Wordpress is that it is a very easy content management system (CMS) to administer. This includes making updates to the content and upgrading Wordpress and any plugins to the most recent version. Upgrading is as easy as clicking a button. Wordpress also handles media very well. It has an easy to use comphrensive media library for storing images, documents and other types of files. 


Perhaps the main drawback to Wordpress, is because it has become so popular, it is a big target for hackers. It is important to keep Wordpress and all its plugins updated to the latest versions, otherwise the website can become vulnerable. 

Wordpress Website Maintenance

I can help with maintaining Wordpress websites. This includes keeping them updated, checking and resolving errors, making sure the database and all the files are regularly backed up as well as doing site updates when needed. I can also install additional secrutiy plugins to help prevent hacking attempts. 

Help with a Hacked Wordpress Website

If your website has been hacked, I have plenty of experience in restoring the website to its original version and cleaning the website of all suspicious files. I can also put in measures to prevent future hacking attempts. 

Development Work

In summary, I provide services using Wordpress for:

  • Informational websites
  • Media rich websites
  • Membership functionality
  • Forums
  • E-commerce
  • Maintenance
  • Cleaning hacked websites
  • Bespoke design
  • Bespoke functionality